
User Responsibility

Those who join these groups are responsible for their actions and interactions. Participants in these groups are strongly encouraged to believe in WhatsApp’s terms of service, community guidelines, and general etiquette.

Group Content

The website is not responsible for controlling the content shared in WhatsApp groups. We are not responsible for certifying, endorsing, or confirming the accuracy, legality of data shared in groups.

User-Submitted Content

Users can submit WhatsApp groups through our forms for review, editing, or removal at our discretion. CheetahLinks.com does not guarantee that submitted information by users is accurate.


Users who join these groups should know that their phone number and profile information may be visible to other group members.

Group Administration

The administrators of these WhatsApp groups are responsible for the data that is shared in those groups. We don’t have any control over these groups’ policies regarding administration or moderation.

Report Inappropriate Content

If you encounter offensive, illegal content within these groups, please report it to the group administrators and consider leaving. Also, you can report any issues to us, and we will take necessary action, such as removing groups from the website.

Change of Group Status

There is a possibility that links to groups shared on this website will change or become inactive over time. Users should verify the status of a group before joining.

Do not use any content from this website in a legal case.